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Novice Quartet Contest

The Rahway Valley Jerseyaires will sponsor the
60th Annual Novice Quartet Contest
on Saturday, March 2, 2024, 7:00 pm sharp!

Soehl Middle School
301 E. Elm St, Linden, NJ  07036

Quartets which can meet the definition of a ‘novice quartet’ are invited to attend and ring a chord for our panel of Judges and for the enjoyment of our audience. We also welcome your friends, fellow Chapter members and their families to be part of the audience for this contest.

When: Contest starts at 7:00 PM sharp!! (We suggest that your quartet arrive by 6:00 PM)

To Qualify: This year the RVC novice quartet contest will also be open to all Quartets/ Male, Mixed and Female. To qualify, no more than two members of the quartet may have competed at any Barbershop Harrmony Society District level contest or any Sweet Adelines International Regional or Harmony International Regional level contest, and only one member of the quartet may have competed in a quartet at the International level.

Each quartet will sing two songs for our audience, and to our panel of certified Barbershop Harmony Society Judges and their Contest Administrator. The three highest scoring quartets will be awarded Contest Medals. Scoring complies with standards of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

We can accept a maximum of 10 quartets for competition, because of venue time constraints, on a first-come, first-served basis. Entries of additional quartets will be held on a waiting list, in case of an earlier quartet scratch.

PLEASE NOTE  your quartet is not registered until we receive your completed registration form in the mail WITH your check for $40.00 (or $50 if you opt for the optional Archive Video of your quartet’s performance)!

Your quartet is offered a formal 10 to 15 minute evaluation session with each of the category judges. The evaluations will start as soon as possible after the contest results are announced, and may go on until 11:00 pm. We do try to accommodate those quartets that travel the farthest in the earlier sessions. Please plan to cooperate with the tight schedule; pay close attention, and be on time!!

As has been our tradition and commencing with our 38th Novice Contest, the winning quartet will also be awarded the Annual Ben Ackermann Memorial Trophy, which is passed along to each subsequent year’s winner.

Admission is free to the public. We’d like to have a large audience to cheer on these novice quartets. No tickets are necessary but we will provide tickets for you to distribute if you request them.

We hope you will plan to attend and root for your friends and family members,
You'll have a really great time!

In Harmony,
Heidy Moretti,
Rahway Valley Novice Quartet Contest Coordinator